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Fredrik Nielsen - finalist of the Loewe Foundation 2022 competition

Stockholom – the Venice of the North is home to many outstanding contemporary artists, offering great scope for art and culture in Europe. Fredrik Nielsen is distinguished by his creative attitude and original approach to creation.

The sculptor runs his own glass blowing studio The Garage Stockholm, and the summer studio: The Garage Fjäderholmarna. Where every detail and piece of space exudes the author's energy and personal expression. It is characterized by a strong emphasis on raw expression focusing on corporeality and mass, highlighted by graffiti and inspiration from current pop culture and a mix of media. The artist's rebellious attitude translates into the form of work in sculpture, breaking the limits of his own capabilities as a human being and his corporeality, strongly creating a coherent relationship between the creator and the created work. The object becomes a reflection of growing emotions and experiences, both joyful and sad.

In a sculptural form, it creates a new body part or organ, pulsating with heat, which then solidifies in the glass mass (with many stresses inside, which may result in its unexpected cracking). The process is based on an original form of creating works in the glass sculpture studio, which involves heating the sculpture again and again and then molding, adding liquid mass, inflatable elements or deformations. The sculptor uses the technical properties of glass, depending on the composition and added oxides, creating a unique structure and color. The composition of the glass determines the color, transparency or packaging, but also the different welding temperature or flexibility, annealing or consistency with other pieces or the crystal base. It is technically and physically demanding, with consideration of individual stages of work, time, help of assistants and the method of positioning the object in the furnace and slowly relaxing it. Including both freedom and proficiency in creating in glass.

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